I am passionate about teaching others how to learn. I have taught and designed University level, high-school as well as corporate courses.

Human Computer Interaction – Saarland University

User Interface Technologies – University of Copenhagen
CourseWith Rachel Freire, Jarrod Knibbe and Jess McIntosh
Links: UIT Webpage
Designing eTextiles for the Body: Shape, Volume & Motion
Conference WorkshopRachel Freire, Paul Strohmeier, Cedric Honnet, Jarrod Knibbe, Sophia Brueckner in Workshop at TEI 2019
Links: web2017

User Interface Technologies – University of Copenhagen
CourseUser Interface Technologies (UIT) is the hardware-focused Master level HCI course offered by the Department of Computer Science. I completely redesigned this course from bottom up. My personal aim of the course was for students to build a physical research prototype, learn how to position their own work relative to current research narratives, and communicate it effectively. In addition to the hardware-prototyping focus of the course, there is a strong emphasis on writing skills. Students work in groups of 3 – 4 on weekly assignments which build upon each other, culminating in a research paper and working demo.
Links: UIT Webpage
Taking Action in a Changing World: Research and Community
Conference WorkshopCasey Fiesler, Lisa Anthony, Paul Strohmeier, Susan Fussell, Gloria Mar in Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA)

Intro to Processing and Arduino
WorkshopI designed an introduction to Arduino and Processing crash-course that was taught by myself and Perinlle Bjoern at the DIKU Makerweek.
Links: DIKU Makerweek
Sharing Perspectives on the Design of Shape-Changing Interfaces
Conference WorkshopPaul Strohmeier, Antonio Gomes, Giovanni Maria Troiano, Aske Mottelson, Timothy Merritt, Jason Alexander in Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA)
Links: web2015

Next Steps in OUIs: Crafting Interactions with Deformable and Actuated Display Surfaces
Conference WorkshopAntonio Gomes, Paul Strohmeier, Roel Vertegaal in Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE)

Computing and Creative Arts – Queen’s University
CourseComputing and Creative Arts (COCA201) is the core course of the interdisciplinary Arts & Computer Science Bachelor program of the same name offered at Queen’s University. I taught this course together with Antonio Gomes. We focused on kinetic art & shape changing interfaces. The course is very hands on, the final assignment that each group of 2 – 4 students submits is an interactive art-piece that is publicly exhibited. Two of the groups we taught consequently presented their work at ACE’14

Rapid Prototyping
WorkshopOne day crash-course in hardware prototyping for the Global Entrepreneurship Week, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Intro to Cognitive Sciences – Queen’s University, Canada
CourseIntro to Cognitive Sciences – Queen’s University, Canada. I was a typical Teaching Assistant, mainly in charge of answering questions and grading assignments.

Interactive Technology Workshops at Vienna Highschool (Kandlgasse)
WorkshopI taught two three-day workshops for high-school students. The first group of ~20 students was between 15 and 17. They were provided with basic tutorials on electronics and programming with Arduino. Consequently they built their own inventions, for example, gloved-input devices, musical clothing and simple robots. The second course was taught to a group of about ~20 students aged 11 to 13. These students also received a basic tutorial on electronics and programming Arduino, but then followed step-by step instructions to build their own light-phobic or light-attracted robot. These workshops were both super challenging and super rewarding on many levels – it’s a beautiful experience to see young people learn that they can enjoy learning.

Interactivity Workshop at Toy Studio Lernell
WorkshopLernell is a family run toy-design studio that, amongst other customers, designs toys for Disney. If Lernell add interactive features to their toys, these features are usually outsourced to engineering teams. Lernell felt that this process could be improved if they learned to understand interactive electronics better themselves. They hired me for an 8-hour Arduino crash-course.
Links: Lernell